In Dingley Village, we are proud of our many sporting clubs which cater for our community of over 10,000 residents.
Many of the clubs have supplied items of interest to the Society for safe keeping including photographs.
Our clubs include:
- Kingswood Golf Club
- Southern Golf Club
- Baseball/softball Club
- Basketball Club
- Cricket Club
- Football Club
- Soccer Club
- Tennis Club
- Netball Club
- Little Athletics
We have copies of club histories:
“The Tin Shedders, a history of Kingswood Golf Club 1904 -2004” by Mark Harding
“Crossing the road 50 years at Southern Golf Club” by Mike Hedge.
Did you know that part of Southern Golf Club used to be over Lower Dandenong Rd, where the Spring Park Golf Club is now located. This entailed crossing the road during rounds of golf, which became rather dangerous as traffic increased!
Did you know that Dingley Tennis Club had courts opposite the Neighbourhood Centre in Marcus Road?
If you have any information or photographs you would like to share, please contact the Society. It would be helpful to provide any relevant names, dates, context etc.